join us as we;
* live these lives we have been given
* learn how family looks to our Lord
* deny self
* get to the 'doing' of the hearing (James)
*work on learning not 'my' way or 'your' way, but HIS way {John 14:6}
* hebrews 10:24 it
*realize our depravity and need for the Savior

*submit to one another out of reverence to Christ

Sunday, April 6, 2014

wedding accountiblity

 [i challenge you to examine yourself in this regard...this is what i have come to send out [and/or talk with them about in person] to anyone i know marrying-ESPECIALLY if they send us an invitation to come support their union. i need to know that they are in agreement AND submitted to our Lord's design for marriage before i can attend the ceremony as anything other than that is not marriage. Or if they will not/do not welcome accountability as brothers & sisters in the Lord then why would i attend, as a wedding ceremony is not an entertainment venue or a show. All who are invited/come are to be there to witness AND hold you accountable in coming alongside you prior to the wedding day and from then on {which is a whole other issue}. Sadly and of utmost concern, this has been met with much hostility and rejection. And we wonder why the Church looks no different than the world when it comes to marriage...] i welcome suggestions of what else to add to this list...

Our Lord has been showing me much in regards to marriage. I have come to see my (our) responsibility  as followers of Christ in regards to others prior to the commitment ceremony. 
Our Lord has much to say about marriage. Beyond one man and one woman.
I gladly desire to come alongside you in the Lord and share with you what He has shown me.

You all are not inviting me (or anyone) to a show or an event. You are inviting us to partake in witnessing a commitment to our Lord. In so doing, one should know what you are committing to in order to be able to support it. I need to know if you are in agreeance with our Lord, the designer of marriage, and His design for marriage. From one man and one woman, to children, to our roles as husbands and wives, to divorce and much more. Anything other than complete agreeance and submission to His standard/design is not marriage.

These are some questions I ask of you in that spirit and would have asked in person had we gotten to visit.

Tell me   [spouse to be's name]   testimony of  how he/she came to realize His need for the Savior?

And have you realized your need for the Savior? Benn given His gift of Salvation?

What did this lead you to do?
Growing in the Lord?
Do you meet with the church (fellow believers) regularly?
Does he/she?
Do you have godly women/men keeping you accountable in the Lord?
Do y’all have a couple mentoring you in the Lord?

Are you all living together?
Are you sexually active?
Were you?

How have you prepared for marriage?
-studied scripture regarding marriage? It’s purpose, design and the roles/responsibilities of husbands and wives?
-seeked God first?
-have you read through the whole Word?
-spiritual maturity evident?
-prepared to live without the assistance from parents?
-is the man skilled/able to provide?
-is the woman disciplined/prepared to tend to the home?
-financial discipline?

Have you experienced seasons of life with him/her?
-seen them interact with others?
-served with them?
-aware/observed their family dynamic?
-work ethic?
-are there any concerns you have about this person? Red flags? (laziness, anger, compulsions/lack of control/discipline, dishonest? ) 
-do you accept them as they are right now knowing that it is not for you to (nor can you) change them?

What you plan to do via marriage (service, ministry, bible study, prayer, children etc) -- have you interacted together in that way yet?

Who is officiating your wedding?
Any biblical counseling involved?

Are you all surrendered to our Lord regarding conception or will you be attempting to control/prevent it?

What are you basing your marriage on?
How so?
--where is the fruit of that?
--when will that be implemented if not now/already?

What is your view on divorce?
What does scripture teaches about it?

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