join us as we;
* live these lives we have been given
* learn how family looks to our Lord
* deny self
* get to the 'doing' of the hearing (James)
*work on learning not 'my' way or 'your' way, but HIS way {John 14:6}
* hebrews 10:24 it
*realize our depravity and need for the Savior

*submit to one another out of reverence to Christ

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


it's not enough to not divorce

why don't we ask about our marriages?  even more boldly, ask what current struggle they are dealing with?
that speaks to/acknowledges that there ARE struggles! 

why do we make a bigger deal out of birthdays, which we had nothing to do with, then wedding anniversary's?

why so quick to suggest a conference or book when what you are witnessing is the raw reality of two sinners becoming one. dying to self.  a conference isn't going to do that. a book isn't going to do it. never mind that our Source is the Word Himself and He says he has given us all we need for life and godliness [2 Peter 1] so why do we look elsewhere?  i KNOW what i need to do. He has shown me. i fight and cry out wondering why i'm not instantly different, when i realize that every situation where i struggle is my opportunity for change! 
either i'm choosing more of Him or more of me. it's not a one time decision, it's a situation by situation, moment by moment choice. it's discipline. ain't no conference or book going to do that for me.

there is so much at stake here when i realize that my not stopping when i start going off on Jeremiah -and am prompted to stop by the Holy Spirit- (like i asked for), 
is squelching the Holy Spirit. 

 this hit me hard from bible study:  
If a person is inhabited by the Holy Spirit, an alarm sounds. How can i say those words so dogmatically? Because the Holy Spirit's job is to convict us of sin, and He is never late for work. Remember, being tempted is not sin; refusing to take the way out is sin. Either way, it is a matter of resistance. We resist either the sin or the Holy Spirit.  The obvious key to victory is walking through the first door of escape. Every time we refuse another door, we lose more sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. He never goes away, but the less sensitivity we have to Him, the less power we have until, finally, we find ourselves fighting the battle on our own, absolutely powerless against temptation. In the flesh we always do what comes naturally, and what comes most naturally to every one of us is sin. 

it's not enough for me (any of us) to not divorce. what ARE you actively doing for your marriage? do we really think our Lord will commend us for 'just not divorcing' when we stand before him?  

do we grasp our influence and testimony as wives?
the way i treat my husbend while at the register in a store is saying a whole lot to everyone around us.

do we call each other out on how we are treating our husbends? on our wrong attitudes?

i have come to confess the sins of anger/pride/impatience.
 surrendering my expectations.

what current struggle are you in the midst of in your marriage?
 what are you learning? seeing growth? need accountability?

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