join us as we;
* live these lives we have been given
* learn how family looks to our Lord
* deny self
* get to the 'doing' of the hearing (James)
*work on learning not 'my' way or 'your' way, but HIS way {John 14:6}
* hebrews 10:24 it
*realize our depravity and need for the Savior

*submit to one another out of reverence to Christ

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


On the intake form at the chiropractor, under "what causes stress in your life?" Jeremiah writes "my marriage"

the gal reviewing his form comments that she can feel a tension between us.


i want to scream. and cry. i feel discouraged at this moment and yet glad. discouraged as i/we are working and making changes and apparently they aren't showing as much as the ugly is. 
glad that it's not a secret as i'm not trying to fake it.

 i testified to [her] how i am realizing my depravity and need for a Savior. Aware of sin and it's affects/tendencies, how our Lord is showing me in His ALL SUFFICIENT Word what i am to be doing AND not doing as a wife. she proceeded to recommend a book that has scripture in it... :face palm: 

here i/we are sharing this reality with you all. that we are FINALLY fighting for our marriage-for GOD'S MARRIAGE-He's the designer! it's not enough to just not divorce. that is NOT His standard! nor is what we have been living the past 4 years.

 i have/am realizing my depravity like never before
our Lord has shown me MUCH regarding marriage and his design via scripture. 
 he is MESSING ME UP!!! {thank you Lord}

so as i/we go about dieing to self/sin. learning/starting now, at the end of our 4th year of marriage we forthcomingly share this for ultimately His glory (please Lord), for others who are struggling and in need of a Savior, and for my own accountability.

as we enter into marriage for what i say is the first time, as all He is showing me denotes that i hadn't a clue before...
as i fight FOR marriage, not against it, as HE designed it.

My sisters in the Lord, would you come alongside me in this as I walk in forgiveness, in agreeance to our Lord's standard and design for marriage, applying all He has said? or if you find yourself in a similar season, i welcome your company and accountability! 
                                   i challenge us ALL in this way.

area's of accountability for me (Luann):
*honor Jeremiah
*sexual intimacy

area's of need/want for us:
*friendship of like minded couples
*a mentor couple

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