this car floor mat that i came *this* close to getting
saw these in store and they fit like they were made for my foot! then i found them on amazon.com for less. add in my FREE SWAGBUCKS gift cards AND the price dropping a few days later along with no s/h, they ended up costing me $5.93 OOP. not bad. not bad at all.
was able to sell this
so i saw this
and thought that might just work for me and eliminate some clutter.
then i was at Office Max with my 20% off bag checking out the clearance section and what do i find but this!
total: $1.61
{only fitting that a coupon organizer be on clearance and bought with a coupon!}
freebie that i apparently won arriving in the mail!
{and husbend flowers in the background}
changing the calendar to a new month
{this is where i am at right now}
oh the flip flops are out!
{and the legs finally shaved}
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